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Marketplace Program

1. September 2023

12:30 - 14:00     Marketplace

Study Week: Sustainable Development and Transformation

Jeannette Behringer (ETH)

Promoting Social Sustainability by Embedding Diversity in Higher Education

Bettina Beurer-Züllig (ZHAW) / Daniela Frau (ZHAW)

Association La Matrice: Bridging the Gap between Maths, Science and Society

Not Available

Laura Grave de Peralta (UC Louvrain (BE)) / Indira Chatterji (Université de Nice (FR)) / Adélie Garin (EPFL)

Teacher-student Tandems for Sustainability Education

Jacopo Grazioli (EPFL) / Siroune Der Sarkissian (EPFL) / Michka Mélo (EPFL) / Mélanie Studer (EPFL)

The Chocolate Case - Dealing with Sustainability in Practice

Andrea Hüsser (Good Chocolate Hub) / Ildiko Gyomlay (Good Chocolate Hub)

Institutional Learning Ecologies for ESD

Thomas Jaccard (UNIL) / Nadia Lausselet (HEP Vaud),  Gaëlle Keim (Département de la Formation Etat de Vaud)

L'Espace Transition: des émotions à l'action

Sarah Koller (UNIL) / Thomas Jaccard (UNIL)

Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development in School Strategy, Structure and Culture

Not Available

Irene Lampert (PHZH)

Une architecture de formation pour une éducation à la durabilité dans une haute école

Not Available

Nadia Lausselet (HEP Vaud) / Alain Pache (HEP Vaud) / Clarisse Terrien (HEP Vaud)



Medinat Malefakis (ETH)

EPFL-UNIL’s Climate and Sustainability Action Week

Sarah Michel (UNIL) / Lina Bentires-Alj (EPFL) / Mélanie Studer (EPFL)


Giulia Perroud (UNIL)

Volteface étudiant.e.s

Victor Rey (UNIL)

Resource Platform for Teaching (Open Access): Sustainability in Academia - Swiss Launch

Clementine Robert (UNISG) / Simon Zysset (WWF Schweiz) / Florin Schaelchli (WWF Schweiz)

A Checklist for Analysing and Triggering Reflection on the Application of Sustainability Principles in Higher Continuing Education Programs

Florinda Sauli (SUPSI) / Camilla Belfiore (SUPSI) / Nadia Bregoli (SUPSI)

Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie: Bildung für die Welt von morgen

Stefanie Schait (GWOE)

Introduction of the MSc in Circular Economy Management

Ramon Scherrer (ZHAW)

Sustainability Project Cases

Martha Velasco (FFHS) / Sandro Olveira (UZH+FFHS) / Hagen Worch (IMI+FFHS)

Sustainability in the Curriculum Development of a Master of Science in Real Estate & Facility Management

Isabelle Wrase (ZHAW) / Matthias Haase (ZHAW) / Zifei Wang-Speiser (ZHAW)

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